The Folly Beach Building Inspector can make site visits to provide one-on-one advice to property owners regarding flooding and drainage issues on private property. For additional information, please contact the city Building Department at (843) 708-9982 or The Federal Emergency Management Agency maintains an electronic library of reference materials on topics such as retrofitting structures for enhanced flood and hurricane resistance and protecting building utilities from flood damages.Various methods may be used to minimize flooding such as elevating your structure (see the links below). If a flood is imminent, protect your property by sandbagging areas subject to the entry of water. Valuables and furniture can be moved to higher areas of the dwelling to minimized damage.What can I do to protect my property from flood damage? Discuss your family emergency plan. Your family may not be together when disaster strikes, so it is important to know how you will contact one another, how you will get back together, and what you will do in case of an emergency.Turn off gas and be aware of gas leaks. Use flashlights to inspect for damage. Do not smoke or use candles, lanterns or open flames unless you know the gas has been turned off and the area has been ventilated.If flooding threatens your home, turn off electricity at the main breaker. If you lose power, turn off all major appliances. Your plan should include at minimum an evacuation route, arrangements for shelter, contact information, and a supply kit. It is important that you have a plan to protect yourself and your family in the event of a flood event.What can I do to protect my family and my pets? “V” Flood Zones may be “V” or “VE” Zones. “V” Zone: The property is in the special flood hazard area and is subject to flooding from rising water and wave action during a storm. Properties in this flood zone will be required to be elevated to a designated height, and all enclosures below the designated height will be required to have break-away walls. Flood insurance will be required on a property in this flood zone if a mortgage is taken out on the property.“A” Flood Zones may be “A”, “AE”, or “AO” Zones. “A” Zone: The property is in the special flood hazard area and is subject to flooding from rising water during a storm. Properties in this flood zone will be required to be elevated to a designated height and will be required to be insured with flood insurance if a mortgage is taken out on the property.

What do the zones on the Flood Insurance Maps Mean? Flood Insurance Rate Maps for Folly Beach are also available on-line at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Map Service Center.

You can see the spots that the city identified as problem areas here. Maps of your specific location can be found at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Map Service Center. The entire City of Folly Beach is in a flood hazard area.Where are the Special Flood Hazard Areas in Folly Beach?